There are just over 8 weeks until school's out for summer break. Most summer camp priority registration has already happened!! You see more runners out training for the Lincoln Marathon. I guess that it is time to start stocking up on bubbles and sidewalk chalk…. And to schedule your summer dental appointment.
I recommend scheduling your child's dental appointment in the first part of summer break. This way, if there is dental work to be done, it can still be accomplished during the school break. Unfortunately, we see it every year: Someone scheduled in August during the week before school starts. A cavity is diagnosed and needs treated. But school starts on Monday! Now, the child will likely have to miss school to receive their dental treatment. This is definitely a disappointment.
For patients with dental insurance, most plans will now allow you two cleanings and exams per year. If the plan does not have a 6 month clause, you do NOT have to wait 6 months before your next dental appointment. This allows greater flexibility in scheduling for the patient. If you have any questions about this, just talk to Kelli. She knows more about dental plans than I do - and if she does not know the answer, she will contact your insurance company to find out the answer!
I just love summer. The recent rains have green popping up everywhere. Soon, there will be sidewalk chalk drawings all around and children blowing soap bubbles in the evenings. Happy Spring!
~Dr. Melanie Steckelberg