Happy Spring! Remember to change your toothbrush!?

Posted on 03/20/2018
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Happy Spring! Remember to change your toothbrush!

Hooray! It is Spring! The promise of warmer days brings a big smile to my face. Recently, I finished some spring cleaning at the office. And I repeatedly wondered, "why on earth did I keep this?" Often, I was speaking this out-loud while throwing out another sample product that I will never use.

Really, why do I keep them? I also just realized that I don't remember when I last changed my toothbrush. AND, I'm a dentist. Yikes! But I had a revelation that I think is truly going to help all of us. Are you ready for this???

The changing of the seasons can be a good reminder to change your toothbrush. If you have not changed your toothbrush within the last 3 months, or you have no clue when you last changed that electric brushhead, why don't you start this new habit with me? I am now going to change my toothbrush head at the start of every season. Why did I not think of this sooner? The seasons change every 3 months. Come on, this should be seriously easy.

For most of us, three months pass quickly. I would encourage you to write on your calendar 3 months from now "Change toothbrush." Or, you can try this new behavior that I am totally doing - the changing of the season means I need to change my toothbrush. It's up to you.

I prefer the simplest reminders, like checking my smoke detector batteries when daylight savings starts and ends. If you watch This Is Us, like I do, you will not forget that step anymore. And you will always unplug your crockpot! Anyway, Happy Spring to you all. AND… Happy toothbrush changing!

~Dr. Melanie Steckelberg