Office Policies and Payments

Office Policies

Overall Health Picture

Patient Smiling

We utilize thorough health history forms in our dental evaluation of all patients. Our practice routinely provides oral cancer screenings, blood pressure checks, as well as addresses overall health issues.

Patient Autonomy

Our patients have the right to deny a treatment or procedure based on his or her values, ideals, beliefs, etc. We will make every attempt to explain the risks/benefits of your treatment decision.

Emergency Service

We aim to provide comprehensive dental care that will minimize dental emergencies. In the event you do have an emergency, we will make reasonable arrangements for your emergency dental care. Please call the office at (402) 489-7800 for assistance.

If you are experiencing a dental emergency and are not currently a patient in our practice, please call our office during our regular business hours to schedule an emergency visit with Dr. Steckelberg. You may also wish to send us an e-mail, which will be returned during our regular business hours. Visit the ADA website for helpful information about dental emergencies and injuries.

Treatment Fees

Due to the increasing cost of billing and bookkeeping services, payment is expected the day of service. If you require extensive dental care, fees will be outlined at your case consultation appointment.

Appointment Policies

Once an appointment is made, that time is reserved especially for you. A missed appointment costs us substantial overhead expenses. Consequently, a $50 fee may be assessed for failed appointments or those cancelled/rescheduled with less than a 48-hours notice. Please help us schedule your appointments when convenient for you. To accommodate as many schedules as possible, we schedule long appointments in the morning and during school and work hours.

Changing Your Appointment

We do realize that schedule changes will occur. Please try to avoid scheduling changes within 48 hours of your scheduled appointment. Our most popular appointment times are before school/work and after school/work. These appointments are usually scheduled six months in advance. If you need to reschedule an appointment scheduled in these popular time slots, another "popular appointment time" may not be available for several months. Consequently, this kind of schedule change may result in a less convenient appointment time for you.

If you must change your appointment, please contact us as soon as you discover this need. Our phone has confidential voicemail, so you can leave a message any time of day by calling (402) 489-7800. Staff will be happy to return your voicemail on the next business day.

If you do not know if this policy applies to you, please contact us.


Payment for dental services is expected at the time of service. If you require extensive dental care, fees will be outlined at your case consultation appointment. If you have dental insurance, we will gladly complete necessary insurance forms to obtain insurance benefits which are due to you. Please keep in mind that you, and not your insurance company, are ultimately responsible for payment. Estimated co-payment and deductible costs will be collected when services are rendered. If your dental treatment requires multiple visits, we will need to collect payment of your estimated portion for each dental visit. We do not routinely bill our patients. If you would like us to request a pre-treatment estimate from your insurance company, please let us know; we would be happy to file this on your behalf.

If I fail to pay for services rendered at the time of service, those amounts are considered past due. In the event payment in full has not been received before the end of 30 days after date of service, a monthly interest charge will apply. APR is 15.6%.

We accept payments via cash or credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and CareCredit). For more information regarding CareCredit, please visit their website: To make a secure online payment using Visa, MasterCard or Discover, please click here to be directed to our payment portal.